Baia I - Wind Park
First wind park in Romania, comissioned in august 2007, capacity 2.75 MW
To help business foster sustainable development through renewable energy projects in order to create a better and cleaner environment for future generations.
To become the company with most renewable energy projects in Eastern-Europe and accelerate the transition to providing clean, green energy to millions.
With over 17 years of experience in the field of renewables, we pride ourselves with the development and construction of one of the first wind farm in Romania back in 2007. Formerly known as Holrom Renewable Energy, EAI is a one-stop-shop that offers turn-key solutions to investors in the renewable energy sector. Building on our experience, we offer a full-range of solutions for companies looking to capitalize on the renewable energy sector, from planning to implementation. Our experts in the field and our extensive international network of partners allow us to provide efficient renewable power solutions, and the highest standard of quality management and profitability. Customers choose us because we deliver the best-possible value and highest returns on investment. No challenge is too big for us, and investors can find in us a reliable, flexible, and agile partner for finding the best answers for today and tomorrow’s renewable energy needs.
First wind park in Romania, comissioned in august 2007, capacity 2.75 MW
Developement, construction & operation Built with EU funding. Capacity 5MW
Developement, construction & operation Capacity 12 MW (Vestas V90 turbines)
Development, Construction, Financing arrangement and operations. Capacity 6 MW
Development, Construction, financing arrangement. Capacity 10 MW (Gamesa G90 2MW)
Development, Construction, Operations. Capacity 2.1 MW (Francis Turbine)
Construction, Financing, Operation. Built with EU funding. Capacity 15 MW (Vestas V90 turbines)
Full project management services, from planning and optimal technical solutions, to permitting and zoning approvals.
Full project management services, from planning and optimal technical solutions, to permitting and zoning approvals.